QUESTION #1: How many patients do you have who are prescribed buprenorphine or buprenorphine/naloxone?
QUESTION #2: How many patients do you have who are prescribed methadone?
QUESTION #3: How many of your patients are prescribed oral (i.e., sublingual, or buccal) buprenorphine?
QUESTION #4: How many patients are prescribed a sub-cutaneous buprenorphine injection (i.e., Sublocade)?
QUESTION #5: How many of your patients who are prescribed buprenorphine, talk about wanting to taper to a lower dose than currently prescribed?
QUESTION #6: How many of your patients prescribed buprenorphine are actively trying to taper to a lower dose than currently prescribed?
QUESTION #7: How many of your patients talk about tapering to opioid abstinence?
QUESTION #8: How many of your patients are actively trying to taper to opioid abstinence?
QUESTION #9: Each year, approximately, how many of your patients, who have been on opioids for more than a year, taper to opioid abstinence?
QUESTION #10: Of those who taper to opioid abstinence each year (question #9), can you estimate how many eventually return to your practice to request re-starting medication-assisted treatment?
QUESTION #11: For those patients who succeed in tapering to abstinence, how would you describe their approach? (E.g.: They reduce by about ____ mg per ______, or; There is a broad range of rates from ____ mg/month to ______ mg/month, approximately.).
QUESTION #12: For a patient who reduced below 2 mg/day buprenorphine, what was their approach?
QUESTION #13: Approximately what percentage of your buprenorphine patients do you think sub-divide their doses so as to be able to spread the doses out during a 24-hour period?
QUESTION #14: Do any patients on methadone show an interest in reducing their intake?
QUESTION #15: Have you had patients who reduced methadone to zero, without switching to buprenorphine first?
QUESTION #16: Do you think you could make use of a standardized buprenorphine opioid taper if such a taper were to be manufactured and was made with different rates of tapering?
QUESTION #17: Do you think you ever had a patient fail in a taper because it was not possible to reduce their dose slowly enough?
QUESTION #18: If the answer to question 17 is “yes”, at approximately what mg dosage/day buprenorphine did the inability to reduce further occur?
QUESTION #19: Approximately what is the slowest rate at which you have seen a patient reduce their medication? (E.g.: 1/10 of a milligram per week. Half a milligram a month.)
Thank you very much for completing this survey. If you have any comments or questions, or suggestions for research, please write them here: